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Chapter 1 Introduction

I joined NTU in 2003, and am currently Professor of Computer Science in the College of Computing and Data Science, Singapore.

My main research interests are in speech, language processing and Large Language Models. I am the PI of AISG Speech Lab with interest to develop robust code-switch ASR using LLM capabilities. Other research interests include: speech enhancement, classifications and machine learning. To date, I have been Principal Investigator of several research grants awarded by Alibaba, Tencent, Webank, AISG, NTU-Rolls Royce, Mindef, MOE and AStar with a total funding amount of over S$18 million under the Speech and Language Laboratory at College of Computing and Data Science. Past graduate students: supervised (PhD Students)= 20 and supervised (MEng Students)= 13.

Working experience prior to joining NTU: Knowles Electronics (2001-2002), Lernout and Hauspie (1999-2000,Belgium), Institute of Infocomm Research (1996-1999,I2R, Singapore), and RIKEN (1996,Japan).

Education: received both BEng (Hons) and PhD from Edinburgh University>, U.K. in 1991 and 1996 respectively. PhD research thesis was supervised by Bernard Mulgrew, Peter Grant and Chen Sheng

Served as General CO-Chair (SLT 2024 Macau), (ICAICTA 2024, Singapore), keynotes at IALP (2024 Hohhot)ISCSLP (Singapore, 2022). Served as the publication chair for conferences (Human Agent Interaction 2016, INTERSPEECH 2014, APSIPA-2010, APSIPA-2011, ISCSLP-2006), associate editor for IEICE (special issue 2012), reviewer for Speech Communications, Eupsico, IEEE Trans Man,System and Cybernectics Part B, Journal of Signal Processing System, ACM Multimedia Systems, IEEE Trans Neural Network, IEEE Trans CAS-II, and Signal Processing.

I am a PhD supervisor and PI for 4 AIR projects in Alibaba (达摩院) NTU-Joint Research institute (speech research) and co-PI for Alibaba-NTU Global e-Sustainability CorpLab (ANGEL) lab Speech research

Was the recipient of the Tan Chin Tuan fellowship (2007) to visit Tsinghua University, the JSPS travel grant award (2008) to visit Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the Merlion Singapore-France research collaboration award in 2009.

What others say about me: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar

Lastly, some pictures of the team and various bikes rode across the years. Some more recent pictures (2019,2020) pictures from ICASSP 2019, and team 2020. 2022 (ICASSP) pictures from ICASSP 2022 and HCM.

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Last Updated: 21 Jan 2025

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